Röhm showcases the versatility of PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds for sustainable and innovative product design
- PMMA molding compounds in brand quality meet the highest standards of function, design and sustainability
- Molding compound containing 30 percent recycled material impresses with excellent results in a luminaire profile
- Exhibits from a huge range of market segments demonstrate a selection of the versatile application options for PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds
“PLEXIGLAS® makes your design shine. Every day.” That is the theme under which Röhm GmbH will spotlight the inspiring design potential of PLEXIGLAS® at Fakuma 2024 in Friedrichshafen, October 15–19.
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) from the PLEXIGLAS® brand is a versatile, high-quality, durable plastic that also meets the growing demand for recyclable, resource-saving materials. “Our PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds offer almost limitless design freedom for products in many areas of daily life, from lighting applications to surface enhancement for kitchen appliances,” says Siamak Djafarian, Senior Vice President of the Molding Compounds Business Unit at Röhm. “Vibrant and pleasant to the touch, especially fascinating in combination with light, PLEXIGLAS® meets the highest standards of form, function and aesthetics.”
Visitors to the international trade fair for plastics processing will be able to see for themselves at booth B5-5306 in hall B5. Impressive exhibits from renowned manufacturers in the automotive design, lighting, white goods, kitchen appliances and medical technology sectors will demonstrate the quality and versatility of the PLEXIGLAS® and CYROLITE® materials. With its extensive portfolio of standard and special molding compounds, Röhm offers the perfect solutions for sector trends and customers’ unique requirements.
PLEXIGLAS® proTerra containing recycled material in initial application study
One year ago at Fakuma 2023, Röhm presented two new PLEXIGLAS® proTerra molding compounds that combine a reduced carbon footprint with proven performance. PLEXIGLAS® proTerra M5 contains mechanically recycled PMMA, while in PLEXIGLAS® proTerra 8N, fossil resources have been replaced with raw materials certified under ISCC PLUS (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification).
This resource-saving alternative has since enjoyed a positive reception on the market, with a well-known luminaire manufacturer purposely choosing PLEXIGLAS® proTerra M5 with 30 percent recycled material for an application study. At the exhibition booth, visitors can see the optical quality of this luminaire profile for themselves. It is also described in detail in a case study, available at plexiglas-polymers.com:
Hands-on: Lighting effects with PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds
A popular exhibit at the booth is the light table, which features added functions specially for Fakuma. Visitors will have the chance to discover the diversity of lighting effects firsthand using the samples of clear transparent and light-scattering product grades in various colors. Their extraordinary optical properties make PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds ideal for lighting applications – not just in the automotive and lighting industries, but for all kinds of product designs using light, such as illuminated switches and other operating elements, or for edge lighting.
Fit for the future
Röhm’s PMMA portfolio is continuously evolving to meet the needs of the market, enabling sustainable product design across numerous industries. Through consistent investments in cutting-edge production technology, capacity expansion and innovation, Röhm and its Molding Compounds Business Unit are more than ready for the future. “We are the only global manufacturer of MMA and PMMA with downstream compounding in all three key regions: Asia, Europe and North America. This makes Röhm one of the world’s leading manufacturers of PMMA molding compounds and a reliable strategic partner for customers all over the globe,” says Senior Vice President Djafarian emphatically.

Über Röhm
Röhm zählt zu den weltweit führenden Herstellern in der Methacrylat-Chemie und beliefert Kunden in wachstumsstarken Märkten wie der Automobilindustrie, der Baubranche oder der Medizintechnik. Mit unseren MERACRYL® Methacrylaten und PMMA-Formmassen der Marke PLEXIGLAS®, die wir in unserem weltweiten Produktionsverbund herstellen, bedienen wir einen globalen Markt. Unsere hochwertigen Produkte ermöglichen eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen – von Farben, Lacken, Autorückleuchten, Medizinprodukten, Flugzeugscheiben und Displays in Haushaltsgeräten bis hin zu Straßenmarkierungen.
Rund 2.900 Mitarbeitende tragen weltweit zu unserem Erfolg bei. Mit Produktions- und Forschungsstandorten in Europa, Nordamerika und China verbinden wir regionale Präsenz mit globalem Know-how und schaffen Mehrwert für unsere Kunden.
Polymethylmethacrylat (PMMA)-Produkte von Röhm werden auf dem europäischen, asiatischen, afrikanischen und australischen Kontinent unter den registrierten Marken PLEXIGLAS® und PLEXIMID®, auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent unter den registrierten Marken ACRYLITE® und ACRYMID® vertrieben.
Entdecke die Welt von Röhm: www.roehm.com
Thomas Kern
Global Communications
Molding Compounds
Röhm GmbH
Deutsche-Telekom-Allee 9
64295 Darmstadt
Tel +49 6151 863-7154
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