10月17日,罗姆集团宣布其聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)扩产项目建成投产,成为罗姆增长战略发展的一个重要里程碑。罗姆在其位于上海化工区的甲基丙烯酸酯一体化基地举办了投产仪式。上海化工区管委会党组成员、副主任侯金花,罗姆首席运营官韩培德(Hans-Peter Hauck)和罗姆亚洲总裁凌宏恩为投产剪彩。在与上海化工区管委会党组书记、主任马静的会晤中,韩培德对上海化工区为罗姆提供的支持和帮助表示感谢,并再次重申罗姆对在本地投资的信心。



凌宏恩说道:“我们的承诺远不止跟随市场需求。为了帮助客户进行创新开发,我们与客户密切合作。” PMMA创新的推动因素包括汽车领域的电动车趋势以及照明行业不断增长的客户需求。罗姆在上海新建的创新中心为面向客户的研发提供了最佳条件。
宝克力®模塑料具有高耐用性、耐候性与耐紫外线性能,拥有高色牢度、高亮度和高透明度,并且有优异的硬度和耐刮擦性。今年恰逢宝克力®品牌诞生90周年。罗姆模塑料业务高级副总裁金开源(Siamak Djafarian)表示:“我们为发明宝克力®感到自豪。我们愿意做创新先锋,支持行业客户开发突破性的新产品。”
About Röhm
Röhm is one of the world's leading manufacturers in the field of methacrylate chemistry and supplies customers in fast-growing markets including the automotive, construction, and medical technology industries. We serve a global market with our MERACRYL® methacrylates and PMMA molding compounds under the PLEXIGLAS® brand, which we manufacture in our worldwide production network. Our high-quality products offer a wide range of applications – from paints, coatings, car taillights, medical products, aircraft glazing and household appliance displays to road markings.
Around 2,900 employees worldwide play a part in our success. With production and research sites across Europe, North America, and China, we combine regional presence with global expertise and create added value for our customers.
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) products from Röhm are sold on the European, Asian, African and Australian continent under the registered trademarks PLEXIGLAS® and PLEXIMID®, in the Americas under the registered trademarks ACRYLITE® and ACRYMID®.
Discover the world of Röhm: www.roehm.com
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