Life savers and safety heroes at Röhm
Our “life savers” are eight important life-saving rules for employees, service providers and visitors that comple- ment our basic safety rules to further develop our safety culture and to achieve our goal of “zero accidents”.
They have been rolled-out throughout the com- pany with an attention-catching campaign where each rule is represented by an animated “safety hero”. “The consistent application of these rules protects everyone at Röhm from serious dangers as well as potential accidents and injuries. The simple message is: If I adhere to these rules, I and all others will be safer,” points out Jochen Acker- mann, Head of Environment, Safety, Health and Quality at Röhm. In 2023, extensive training on these rules was provided to the employees working in production and in our laboratories. Additionally, trainings for employees working in the administra- tive area were offered, comprising topics such as ergonomics at the office workplace and dangers and hazards at home. The trainings on unconscious misbehavior and human error continue to be pro- vided at production sites in Germany and comple- ment the safety initiative.
In all regions, training sessions on our basic safety and life‑saving rules will continue in 2024. In addition to educating everyone about the correct behavior, a significant benefit is that these ses- sions also stimulate conversations and debates on safe behavior and safety concerns. “Our employ- ees contribute their knowledge and experience during hazard and risk assessments, thereby help- ing to shape our guidelines and regulations. They are also a valuable source of information for the continuous improvement of our safety measures, which is why we have a systematic process in place for the reporting of risks, hazards and near‑ miss events,” explains Jochen Ackermann. “Employ- ees are expected and encouraged to identify, report and intervene when unsafe or unhealthy work conditions are observed.”