POLYVANTIS Group presents designated Board of Directors
At the end of November, Röhm announced the formation of POLYVANTIS. The intended merger of Acrylic Products and Functional Forms will create a leading global player for high-quality acrylic and polycarbonate films and sheets. The company is planned to be launched in the second quarter of 2024.
Röhm now announces the designated Board of Directors of the new POLYVANTIS group. The board will consist of executives from both companies with an experienced new CFO completing the team. The board will hold a total of three functions.
Dr. Sandeep Dhawan will be responsible for the operational business as designated CEO of the newly founded POLYVANTIS. Sandeep Dhawan currently heads SABIC's Functional Forms business unit and brings extensive market expertise as well as broad global experience from various management positions at SABIC and General Electric.
The role of CFO will be taken by Peter Stubbe. He has many years of experience as a globally acting CFO, most recently at the chemical company HCS Group.
In order to lead the integration of the two companies and define the strategic direction, the role of Chief Transformation and Integration Officer will also be anchored in the board of the POLYVANTIS Group. Dr. Wolfgang Pöffel, who is currently responsible for strategy at Röhm and has many years of operational and strategic management experience in the methacrylates sector, will take on this role.
The team will be complemented by an experienced Advisory Committee, chaired by Michelle Williams, formerly Global Group President of Arkema’s Altuglas, and consisting of Henri Nejade, formerly COO of Brenntag’s Specialties business, and Dr. Dahai Yu, Chair of the Supervisory Board of Röhm. All three will contribute their experiences from longstanding and successful careers in the global chemicals industry. Ronald Ayles, Managing Partner and Johannes Arzner, Director at the financial investor Advent International will complete the Advisory Committee.
”We are very pleased with the highly experienced and complementary team that will lead POLYVANTIS. With Sandeep Dhawan and Wolfgang Pöffel, we have two seasoned managers from SABIC and Röhm on board who know their organizations and the specific market for their products very well. These skills are complemented by the financial expert Peter Stubbe, who also has a broad background in the chemical industry. With this Board of Directors, POLYVANTIS is in an ideal position to become a leading player in the sheets and films market, expand the business and add significant value to customers across international markets and applications,” explains Ronald Ayles from Advent International.
Dr. Sandeep Dhawan
Chief Executive Officer POLYVANTIS
Dr. Wolfgang Pöffel
Chief Transformation and Integration Officer
Peter Stubbe
Chief Financial Officer POLYVANTIS
Über Röhm
Röhm zählt zu den weltweit führenden Herstellern in der Methacrylat-Chemie und beliefert Kunden in wachstumsstarken Märkten wie der Automobilindustrie, der Baubranche oder der Medizintechnik. Mit unseren MERACRYL® Methacrylaten und PMMA-Formmassen der Marke PLEXIGLAS®, die wir in unserem weltweiten Produktionsverbund herstellen, bedienen wir einen globalen Markt. Unsere hochwertigen Produkte ermöglichen eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen – von Farben, Lacken, Autorückleuchten, Medizinprodukten, Flugzeugscheiben und Displays in Haushaltsgeräten bis hin zu Straßenmarkierungen.
Rund 2.900 Mitarbeitende tragen weltweit zu unserem Erfolg bei. Mit Produktions- und Forschungsstandorten in Europa, Nordamerika und China verbinden wir regionale Präsenz mit globalem Know-how und schaffen Mehrwert für unsere Kunden.
Polymethylmethacrylat (PMMA)-Produkte von Röhm werden auf dem europäischen, asiatischen, afrikanischen und australischen Kontinent unter den registrierten Marken PLEXIGLAS® und PLEXIMID®, auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent unter den registrierten Marken ACRYLITE® und ACRYMID® vertrieben.
Entdecke die Welt von Röhm: www.roehm.com
Dr. Maren Otte
Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation
Röhm GmbH
Deutsche-Telekom-Allee 9
64295 Darmstadt
T +49 173 3258758
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